Owner: Ben Hall (Cairns, Queensland)
Primary: 20” f/5 made by OMI
Extras: ServoCAT and Nexus. Note: lithium power supply on rocker box side.
Known as: “Saudade”
I recently received my second SDM scope, #105 and wanted to share the journey that this beautiful scope has taken to currently be in my possession, as it is a little different, and is also very special to me for many reasons.
SDM #105 was created as a dedication to my daughter Melanie who passed away several years ago. For me, spending time out under the stars probably started the same way as it does for most, but following Melanie’s passing it became a way to slow down and connect with her memory. “Saudade” is a Portuguese word that describes a longing for a happy time or experience that you can’t live again. Similar to melancholy but without the sadness.
Obviously, the build of every SDM scope wouldn’t happen without Peter, and every scope is special in its own way. The meaning in this scope wouldn’t have been possible without Peter’s patience and respect, allowing me to design the decals and write the verse. The decal on the UTA is my drawing of Melanie. She will be at the eyepiece with me every time I head out to spend time under the stars.
Peter’s dedication to these beautiful telescopes and his customers is amazing and goes further than decals and the build. The delivery of a completed SDM from Shepperton in Victoria to Cairns in Far Northern Queensland involves a minimum of 5300 kms, a daunting drive for anyone. Peter agreed to meet me halfway in Charleville, which still involved a four day drive for Pete and five for me. It was a fantastic adventure driving through hundreds of kilometres of empty country and staying in accommodation only found in outback Queensland. I am truly humbled by his generosity and selfless giving of his time.
Thanks for making this happen Peter, you’re a true gentleman.